co Scanner ~ Technical Agenda

Sunday 19 August 2018

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A scanner is a device that translates data on a sheet of paper to a form that can be stored on a computer. The basic function of a scanner is to convert a document to a digital format. You can thus convert a hard copy i.e. data on a paper to a soft copy i.e. files on your computer.

Different types of scanners are used for different application.

Flatbed Scanners

This scanners are also known as desktop scanners. Flatbed scanners are the most widely used. A flatbed scanner is similar to a photocopy machine in appearance. A scanner that provides a flat, glass surface to hold a sheet of paper, book or other object for scanning. The scan head is moved under the glass.

Sheet-Fed Scanners
A sheet-fed scanner (also referred to as an automatic document scanner or ADF scanner) is a digital imaging system specifically designed for scanning loose sheets of paper, widely used by businesses to scan office documents and less frequently used by archives and libraries to scan books that have been dis-bound or other robust unbound documents.

Handheld Scanner
A scanner that is moved by hand over the material being captured. Handheld scanners are small and less expensive than their desktop counterparts but partially rely on the user's dexterity to move the unit across the paper. Trays are available that keep the scanner moving in a straight line.

Drum Scanner
A type of scanner used to capture the highest resolution from an image. Photographs and transparencies are taped, clamped or fitted into a clear cylinder (drum) that is spun at speeds exceeding 1,000 RPM during the scanning operation. A light source that focuses on one pixel is beamed onto the drum and moves down the drum a line at a time.

Trouble Shooting Scanners
Problem: Computer does not recognize scanner.

Solution: Check whether the scanner is plugged in and the power switch is on. If your scanner has on/off button, ensure that is turned on.
Try interchanging the power cables connecting the scanner to the power outlet and computer. If the scanner works, then the power cables is faulty and will have to be replaced.
Unplug the scanner and restart the computer.
Check the USB or SCSI port connection of the scanner to see if the interface cable is connected properly and is not loose.
Check whether the correct scanner is selected for use.
Reconnect the interface cable to the computer. Make sure that the interface cable is fit properly and is not too tight. The OS will most probably now recognize the scanner. If the problem is  still same then change the interface cable.

Problem: Scanner does not work.

Solution: Ensure that power is on and the power indicator light must be glowing.
Ensure that the document or image to be scanned is placed face down on the glass.
Try connecting the scanner to another compatible computer to see if it works. If the scanner works fine, then the problem lies with your computer.

Problem: Scans are not clear.

Solution: Use an electric blower to blow away dirt and paper pieces on the glass surface. You must use optical-surface cleaning fluid with an anti-static cleaning cloth. It is also permissible to use a cleaning spray with a soft linen cloth. You must not spray cleaning fluid on the scanner. This could damage th scanner. It is necessary to ensure that the surface is totally dry before scanning any document. 


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